A COVID-19 Sestina

Kathy Wade
2 min readApr 30, 2020

What are the images I’ll most remember?
Mothers and fathers facing death alone.
Doctors and nurses stepping up to be brave.
Governors crying out for what they need.
All of us wondering when we’d see a test.
All the while the president broadcasts lies.

Who can believe those Administration lies?
Here are the images I will always remember:
Coffins in trucks because there was no test.
Mass graves for poor destined to die alone.
ICU nurses demonstrating the need,
putting on more than masks to show they’re brave.

Cleaners and clerks are now the servant brave,
certainly not the president and his lies,
attention in front of cameras his daily need.
Doctors like Fauci and Acton are who I’ll remember.
Turning to Zooming and feeling less alone.
How long we can endure — that is our test.

Graduating seniors face a traitorous test.
We sympathize, tell them: “Please be brave.
we’re in this together, you are not alone.”
How can they trust us, while the president lies?
When they are grown, what will the children remember?
Will they learn what in life they really need?

Will we put greed aside, reach those in need?
Helping those out of work — that’s our test.
Will we forget our fears, instead remember
we too have heart and soul to become brave
and overcome greed and political lies?
Only then can we know we’re not alone.

This novel virus surely stands alone,
leaving thousands grieving and feeling in need.
We all seek to know where our purpose lies
and rise to meet and pass this global test.
We stand supporting science — the steady brave,
those are the heroes we must all remember.

Staying in this together is our test.
Celebrating life, loving, open, brave:
That is the lesson I hope to remember.



Kathy Wade

Author of "Every Now Is aYes," a book of poems at finishinglinepress.com. Also a novel, "Perfection," and many essays. Contact: kwade42@gmail.com.