…into gratitude

Kathy Wade
Mar 26, 2023


I am tip-toeing my way
through the fog of loss,
giving grieving its due,
reckoning back to all
that used to be,
yearning for one more
shared laugh
hand-held remembering.

When does it ease?
When will her smile
beaming out at me
from my bookshelf be
just a photo? When will
the last card she wrote me
in her singular hand
be just ink on paper?

May my sister
always startle and
surprise me
Into gratitude.



Kathy Wade
Kathy Wade

Written by Kathy Wade

Author of "Every Now Is aYes," a book of poems at finishinglinepress.com. Also a novel, "Perfection," and many essays. Contact: kwade42@gmail.com.

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